Happy International Left Handers Day 2015 My Lovelies!!

August 13th is celebrated as International Left Handers Day.

To mark this glorious day, I have decided to resurrect this blog. I started this blog when I was two years younger, 5 gray hair less-er, and a whole lot non-wiser (did you read my earlier post where I explained how I make words up?)

Everyone is born right handed, but only the strongest of people are able to overcome it. – Someone from the Internet

Today’s post is dedicated to some famous left-handed people that had a huge influence on my life. So, in no particular order, here goes:

  1. Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow): As much as I hate to admit it, I have my share of “Phoebe-moments.” Factoid: Before getting into acting, Lisa Kudrow helped her father research the relationship between left-handed people and cluster headaches. Pretty. Friggin. Awesome.
  2. A.J. McLean (and Kevin Richardson) from The Backstreet Boys: My childhood crush (AJ)…sigh. Look at that untucked shirt.
  3.  Luke Perry: Okay, HE was my childhood crush. Remember Dylan from 90210? Awww yeeaaa!
  4. Oprah: Nuff said.
  5. Kermit: Seriously. The star of  The Muppet Show is left handed. And now he’s dating Miss Piggy – my other favourite, after Big Bird from Sesame Street. Factoid: Kermit the frog was originally made out of an old coat belonging to Jim Henson’s mother. And his eyes were Ping Pong balls.
  6. Prince William: Just like his father Charles, Prince William is a lefty. And apparently, lil’ Prince George also prefers using his left hand for most things.
  7. Ned Flanders (The Simpsons): Besides Bart and Marge writing with their left hand, Flanders is also left handed. He owns the store a store in Springfield Mall called The Leftorium, that specializes in products for lefties.
  8. Eminem: The real slim shady is indeed left handed AND he cuts his own hair! I sometimes cut (segments) of my own hair. I’m just saying.
  9. Moriarty (from Sherlock): The portrayal of  Moriarty in BBC’s Sherlock is downright creepy…and fantastic! This is one character (after Heath Ledger as The Joker) that scares me to the core. I sometimes have to cover my eyes during the show, since Moriarty terrifies me.
  10. Jack the Ripper: He was left handed. And he’s on the list because I just got to know he was a lefty.

Stay crunchy,


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