Category Archives: YMCA


I was at a fund raising event the other day and before I knew it, things got a little “70s-outta-hand” on the dance floor. So while I was singing my heart out and getting my dance on, I noticed the others around me were doing things differently (i.e. besides singing off-key.)

The DJ was playing the legendary “YMCA.” But it was during the chorus that I abruptly got stumped. While I was doing the Y-M-C-A “arm dance” (see below for those of you who were living under a moss-infested rock for the last 40 years), I noticed everyone around me were curling to the left, instead of the right, as they did the “C” of the dance.

YMCA- My way.
YMCA- My way.
Guess you can't argue with Darth Vader, eh? Source: Pinterest
Guess you can’t argue with Darth Vader, eh? Source: Pinterest

Isn’t the letter “C” curved to the right?? Have I been doing the only dance I was positively sure I mastered flawlessly, WRONG all my life?!? What disturbed me more was that in the possible *56,879 times that I’ve danced to this song, how have I never noticed that the rest of the world was curling to the left and not the right?! Was there a memo that I didn’t get?

But while I was in my stump-en state (yes, I made that word up. I’m a journalist. Making up words is in my job description. Real talk.), I happened to look to my side and noticed my friend, a fellow “lefty”, also curl to the right as me. Enlightenment struck me once again, my fair friends. I looked to my friend and re-confirmed over the blaring song, “you are left-handed, right?” She nodded buoyantly as she danced along.

I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn’t oblivious or delusional. I was simply left-handed.

On that note, I leave you with this:

                       Source: Pinterest

Until next time,

Stay crunchy.

*Please see my previous post to understand my theory of numbers.

Note: This post was first published on 28/03/2014 09:50 and was imported after switching blog sites.